Confused, unsure, or overwhelmed about the ARE 5.0 Construction Evaluation Exam? Want to confidently and easily understand CE concepts like: Preconstruction, Construction Administration, Observation, Closeout and more?
This course will take the mystery out of studying for Construction Evaluation, so you can have a clear, honest approach to pass the Construction Evaluation section of the Architect Registration Exam.
This program includes:
- Includes 8+ hours of video, addressing each and every objective for CE
- An approach guiding how to study for CE
- 2 recorded Case Studies for CE to help you practice and demystify these new fear-provoking questions
- Videos discussing the answer of practice questions and why, related to AIA Contracts and CE Content, so you come away with a deeper understanding.
- Must-have knowledge to help you succeed on the Construction Administration section of the ARE
- Expert advice to fuel your focus and overcome unnecessary pitfalls and self sabotage
- A free ticket to the popular How to Pass the ARE Webinar given by Michael Riscica. Look for the details inside the course!
What makes this course different:
- Not another boring Professor having a one way conversation. Instead, we share lots of real world scenarios and in a dialogue setting.
- This course thoroughly reviews NCARB’s CE Objectives. This is not rehashed ARE 4.0 content.
- Most importantly, we help you become a Successful Architect.
Upon signing up, you will receive immediate access to the course.
“I’m in! What do I do next?”
You’ll sign up for the Pro Practice 101 Membership to receive THIS course alongside our other exam-passing courses.
Your membership includes:
CE 101 course
PjM 101 course
PcM 101 course
Contracts 101 course
Live ARE Webinar ticket
Paired with Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice Version 15, these courses will give you a comprehensive, proven roadmap about how to successfully study for your first three Pro Practice exams.
The best part? These courses have sold for hundreds of dollars each individually -- but now you can receive all of these courses at the low monthly price of $79/month.
Statement of Purpose & Ethical Pricing
The Young Architect Mission is to help the NEXT generation of Architects become the MOST SUCCESSFUL generation of Architects. So, it is important to us that you actually become a Licensed Architect.
Because of this, the tuition for this course is only $79 per month.
You can do this. We can do this.